Berikutan filem yang menghina Nabi Muhammad SAW, 'Innocence of Muslim', seluruh umat Islam di dunia memprotes serta mengecam filem tersebut habis-habisan. Malah, umat Islam di seluruh dunia juga turut mengadakan demonstrasi pada hari Jumaat yang lepas, selepas solat Jumaat. CikNin tertarik dengan kata-kata seorang pemuda, Aiman Azlan. Seorang blogger dan juga vlogger. Mahasiswa yang menuntut di Universiti Toronto Mississauga yang mengutarakan pandangannya mengenai isu tersebut. Kata-katanya yang berbunyi :
"Why do we react to the people mocking our Prophet as if it's a new thing? It's an old trick in the book. It's so old that it even happened during his lifetime. The things that they said and did to him during his lifetime were probably worse than what we witnessed now.
What is his Sunna in that situation? His Sunna is to be patient. He was cool and if we truly love him, we will be cool too. You don't put the fire out by adding more fuel on it. That's foolishness.
There is nothing that they can do or say that will degrade our Prophet. In fact, I don't even know who's the person they're describing. That's someone else. That's not my Prophet. I think they got the wrong guy."
Betul kan apa dia kata? Renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal. :)
Sebahagian video dari Youtube mengenai hal ini. :)
Friday Sermon : Stop Practising, or Stop Pretending by Hamza Yusuf.
"The best way to defend the Prophet is to act like him." (Yasir Qadhi)
Wallahualam. Peace be upon Him.
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