Tuesday 2 April 2013

Tamat Sudah Semester 2. :)

Assalamualaikum! ;)

Hari bertarikh 1 April 2013, iaitu semalam telah menandakan bahawa CikNin telah tamat peperiksaan akhir bagi semester dua..... Alhamdulillah, syukur ke hadrat-Nya kerana hampir tiga minggu CikNin dan rakan-rakan menempuh peperiksaan akhir ini... Lama betul. Huu. Sesungguhnya benarlah kata orang, penantian itu satu penyeksaan. Heh. Tiba-tiba pulak kan? ;)

Kertas terakhir semalam ialah kertas bahasa asing Thailand, 2 jam. But, Sheeda and I left the examination hall 1 hour early. Haha. Gila awal kan? Yeah, it's not that the exam was easy, but actually we're already used to that kind of questions, the type of the questions. And also quite easy. Hehe. I'm not over excited okay. ;)

Abah and Umi, also my lil sister and brother, came and pick me up in the evening. There was a gimmick when we were heading back to Kota Bharu. I was suddenly looking for my handphone, and it was not in my hand bag! Oh gosh, where did it go? Umi said, she saw my handphone on the table before she left the room. But, I'm pretty sure that I've took my phone, but, where is it???? So, Abah made a U-turn to UniSZA.

On the way there, Abah asked me to find it under the bags or piles in the car. But, I ignored it, *was nervous actually*. But, once my foot touched the ground, that CUTE + PRETTY handphone, fell on the ground! Arghh! That, nearly cause me a heart attack! Like seriously? Oh My Lord... What an evening gimmick!

Whatever it is, we're safely home.. :D But, I only have a week of holidays! After that, Teslians will have the English Camp, the short semester for semester three. Actually, one week is not enough, but, what to do? Go Fatnin Fasihah! Hwaiting! Him Nae Ja! Hehe. ;) Although the semester leave only just for a week, I'll spend it wisely and greatly! Huhu.

Got to go now, please wait for my upcoming entries okayy? Akan ada 2 atau 3 entri untuk blog CikNin ni. Mestilah CikNin nak topup balik cerita-cerita yang tertinggal sepanjang perjalanan ini. Ewahh, macam lagu pulak yee.. Okayy guys, love you Lillahi Taala, ukhuwah fillah forever. Amiin. :D


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